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Rezvani, A, Fakheran, S. Hemami, MR. (2024) Identification of Climatic Refuges of Mouflon Under Future Climate in Central Iranian Protected Areas, Rangeland Ecology & Management.


Liang, D, Reed, J, Fakheran, S, Moombe, K, Siangulube, F, Sunderland, T. (2024) Monitoring Spatiotemporal Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and its Impacts on Ecosystem Services in Southern Zambia, Environmental Research Communications.


Abolmaali, SM,  Tarkesh, M, Mousavi, SA, Karimzadeh, H, Pourmanafi, S, Fakheran, S. (2024) Impacts of spatio-temporal change of landscape patterns on habitat quality across Zayanderud Dam watershed in central Iran, Scientific Reports.


Rezvani, A, Hemami, MR, Goheen, JR, Kaczensky, P, Pourmanafi, S, Fakheran, S, Esmaeili, S. (2024) Rethinking connectivity modeling for high-mobility ungulates: insights from a globally endangered equid, Landscape Ecology.


 Abolmaali, SM,  Tarkesh, M, Mousavi, SA, Karimzadeh, H, Pourmanafi, S, Fakheran, S. (2024) Identifying priority areas for conservation: using ecosystem services hotspot mapping for land-use/land-cover planning in central of Iran, Environmental Management.


 Latifi, M, Fakheran, S, Moshtaghie, M, Ranaie, M, Mahmoudzadeh Tussi, P. (2023) Soundscape analysis using eco‑acoustic indices for the birds biodiversity assessment in urban parks (case study: Isfahan City, Iran), Environmental Monitoring and Assessmen.


 Ahmadi, M.,  Soffianian, A.,  Fakheran, S., Kheirkhah Zarkesh, M. (2023) Measuring the extent and impact of urban expansion in an agricultural-urbanized landscape in Central Iran, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.


Shahsavarzadeh, R, Hemami, MR, Farhadinia, M, Fakheran, S,  Ahmadi, M. (2023) Spatially heterogeneous habitat use across distinct biogeographic regions in a wide-ranging predator, the Persian leopard, Biodiversity and Conservation.


Soffianian, AR, Bihamta Toosi, N, Asgarian,A, Regnauld,H, Fakheran, S, Waser, LT. (2023) Evaluating resampled and fused Sentinel-2 data and machine-learning algorithms for mangrove mapping in the northern coast of Qeshm island, Iran, Nature Conservation.


Abdollahi, S, Ildoromi, A, Salmanmahini, A, Fakheran,S, Kulczyk, S. (2023) Quantifying the relationship between landscape patterns and ecosystem services along the Urban–rural gradient. Landscape and Ecological Engineering.


 Mohammadi Hamidi,S,  Rezaei-Pandari, M,  Fakheran, S, Fürst, C (2022) The Gender Gap in Land Sciences: A Review of Women’s Presence on the Editorial Boards of Peer-Reviewed Journals, Land.


Abdollahi, S,  Ildoromi, A, Salmanmahini, A, Fakheran, S (2022) Optimization of geographical space of ecosystem service areas and land-use planning, Iran, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.


 Nematollahi, S, Afghari, S,  Kienast, F,  Fakheran, S (2022) Spatial Prioritization for Ecotourism through Applying the Landscape Resilience Model, Land.


Safaei, M., Bashari, H.,  Kleinebecker, T., Fakheran, S., Jafari, R,  Große-Stoltenberg, A. (2022) Mapping terrestrial ecosystem health in drylands: comparison of field-based information with remotely sensed data at watershed level, Landscape Ecology.


Bihamta Toosi, N., Soffianian, A.R., Fakheran, S., C., Waser, L.T. (2022) Mapping disturbance in mangrove ecosystems: Incorporating landscape metrics and PCA-based spatial analysis, Ecological Indicator


Meshram, S.G.,   Abdollahi, S., Ildoromi, A., Salmanmahini, A. Fakheran, S. (2022) Assessing and mapping recreation value as an ecosystem service in central part of Esfahan Province, Iran, Arabian Journal of Geosciences.


Nematollahi, S., Fakheran, S., Jafari, A., Pourmanafi, S., Kienast, F. (2022) Applying a systematic conservation planning tool and ecological risk index for spatial prioritization and optimization of protected area networks in Iran, Journal for Nature Conservation


 Asadi, H.,  Soffianian, A, Hemami, MR, Fakheran, S,  Akbari, H, Corcoran, F. (2022) A hybrid GIS-OWA and DANP method for the identification and evaluation of ecotourism attractions: the case study of Abbas Abad Wildlife Refuge, Iran, GeoJournal.


F Goudarzi, MR Hemami, M Malekian, S Fakheran, F Martínez-Freiría (2021) Species versus within-species niches: a multi-modelling approach to assess range size of a spring-dwelling amphibian, Scientific reports,11, Nature Publishing Group.


Bihamta Toosi, N., Soffianian, A.R., Fakheran, S., Pourmanafi, S.,Ginzler, C., Waser, L.T. (2020) Land Cover Classification in Mangrove Ecosystems Based on VHR Satellite Data and Machine Learning—An Upscaling Approach, Remote Sensing 12 (17), 2684.


Malakoutikhah, S., Fakheran, S., Hemami, M.R. , Tarkesh, M., Senn, J.(2020) Assessing future distribution, suitability of corridors, and efficiency of protected areas to conserve vulnerable ungulates under climate change, Diversity and Distributions, DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13117.


Nematollahi, S., Fakheran, S., Kienast, F., Jafari, A. (2020) Application of InVEST habitat quality module in spatially vulnerability assessment of natural habitats (case study: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, Iran), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192 (8), 1-17.


Rezvani, A.,Malakoutkhah, S., Fakheran, S., Soffianian, A., Hemami, M.R., Senn, J. (2020) Comparing landscape suitability and permeability with and without migration data: the influence of species movement behavior, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 44 (4), 335-345.


Bihamta Toosi, N., Soffianian, A.R.,Fakheran, S., Pourmanafi, S.,Ginzler, C., Waser, L.T. (2019) Comparing Different Classification Algorithms for Monitoring Mangrove Cover Changes in Southern Iran, Global Ecology & Conservation


Shafiezadeh, M., Moradi, H., Fakheran, S., Pourmanafi, S., Senn, J. (2019) Integrated Coastal-Terrestrial Conservation Planning for landscape-scale reserve design in Southeastern Iran, Ecological Indicators, 103, 756-765.


Mehdipour, N., Fakheran, S., Soffianian, A., Pourmanafi, S. (2019) Road-induced fragmentation and the environmental value of roadless areas in a partly protected landscape in Central Iran, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191 (7), 461.


Goudarzi, F., Hemami,M.R.,  Rancilhac, L., Malekian, M., Fakheran, S., Elmer, K.R.,  Steinfartz, S. (2019) Geographic separation and genetic differentiation of populations are not coupled with niche differentiation in threatened Kaiser’s spotted newt (Neurergus kaiseri), Scientific reports, Nature Publishing Group, 9 (6239).


Mostajeran, M., Malekian, M., Fakheran, S., Murtskhvaladze, M. Fadakar, D. (2019) Assessment of genetic variation and evolutionary history of Caucasian Grouse (Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi). Ornis Fennica, 96 (2), 55-63.


Behmanesh,M.,  Malekian, M.,  Hemami, M.R.,  Fakheran, S. (2019) Patterns and determinants of human-carnivore conflicts in Central Iran: realities and perceptions behind the conflict, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 24 (1), 14-30.


Malakoutikhah, S., Fakheran, S., Hemami, M.R., Tarkesh, M., Senn, J. (2018) Altitudinal heterogeneity and vulnerability assessment of protected area network for climate change adaptation planning in central Iran, Applied Geography, 92, 94-103.


Shafiezadeh,M.,  Moradi, H., Fakheran, S. (2018) Evaluating and modeling the spatiotemporal pattern of regional-scale salinized land expansion in highly sensitive shoreline landscape of southeastern Iran, Journal of Arid Land, 10(6):946-958.


Safaei, M., Jafari, R., Bashari, H., Fakheran, S. (2018) Mapping and monitoring of the structure and function of rangeland ecosystems in central Zagros, Iran,  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190 (11), 662.


Torabian, S., Soffianian, A., Fakheran, S.,  Asgarian, A., Akbari, H.,  Senn, J. (2018) Habitat suitability mapping for sand cat (Felis margarita) in Central Iran using remote sensing techniques, Spatial Information Research, 26 (1): 11-20.


Nematollahi, S., Fakheran, S., Soffianian, A. (2016) Ecological Impact Assessment of Road Network at Landscape Scale Using Spatial Road Disturbance Index (SPROADI), Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 25 (3):297-304.


Darvishi, A,. Fakheran, S., Soffianian, A. (2015) Monitoring Landscape Changes in Caucasian Black Grouse (Tetrao mlokosiewiczi) Habitat in Iran during the Last Two Decades, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(7):443.


Bihamta, N., Soffianian, A., Fakheran, S. (2014) Using the SLEUTH Urban Growth Model to Simulate Future Urban Expansion of the Isfahan Metropolitan Area, Iran.Journal of the Indian Society of Remote SensingDOI 10.1007/s12524-014-0402-8   


Bateni, F.,  Fakheran, S., Soffianian, A. (2013). Assessment of land cover changes & water quality changes in the Zayandehroud River Basin between 1997–2008.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, DOI 10.1007/s10661-013-3348-3


Makky, T., Fakheran, S., Moradi, H., Iravani, M., Senn, J. (2013). Landscape-Scale Impacts of Transportation Infrastructure on Spatial Dynamics of Two Vulnerable Ungulate Species in Ghamishloo Wildlife Refuge, Iran. Ecological Indicators, 31: 6–14.


Moradi, H., Fakheran, S., Peintinger, M.,  Bergamini, A., Schmid, B., Joshi, J. (2012) Profiteers of environmental change in the Swiss Alps: increase of thermophilous and generalist plants in wetland ecosystems within the last 10 years. Alp Botany, 122:45–56.


Hajehforooshnia, S., Soffianian, A., Salman Mahini, A., Fakheran, S. (2011) Multi-Objective Land Allocation (MOLA) for Zoning Ghamishloo Wildlife Sanctuary in Iran. Journal for Nature Conservation, 19, 254 - 262.


Fakheran, S., Paul-Victor, C., Heichinger, C., Schmid, B., Grossniklaus, U., Turnbull, L. A. (2010) Adaptation and Extinction in Experimentally Fragmented Landscapes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 107, 19120-19125.


Bergamini, A., Peintinger, M., Fakheran, S., Moradi, H., Schmid, B., Joshi, J. (2009) Loss of habitat specialists despite conservation management in fen remnant 1995-2006, Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 11, 65-79.


Fakheran, S. and Karami, M. (2005) A study on the feasibility of establishing a habitat corridor for large herbivores between Mooteh and Ghameshloo Wildlife Refuges, Esfahan Province, Iran. Bulletin of the National Institute of Ecology, 16, 137-139.                              





Fakheran, S. (2024) Empowering women in STEM, Gender Gap in Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals, World Forum for Women in Science (WFWS), Science for the SDGs and New Partnerships for Sustainable Futures, 15-17 April 2024, Rome (Online), Italy.


Nematollahi, S., Fakheran, S., Jafari, A., Kienast, F. (2022) Icorporating  the landscape ecological risk index in assessing the impact of road network (Case study: Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari Province, Iran), IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress, 11-15 July 2022, Warsaw (Online) , Poland.


Mohammadihamidi, S., Rezaei-Pandari, M.,  Fakheran, S.,  Fürst, C. (IECL 2022) The Gender Gap in Land Sciences: A Review of Women's Contribution to the Editorial Boards of Peer-Reviewed Journals, The 1st International Electronic Conference on Land, Towards Land System Science, 17–19 May, 2022, Germany. 


 Bihamta Toosi, N,  Soffianian, AR,  and  Fakheran, S. Effect of changing scale on the quantifying of landscape patterns in mangrove ecosystem, 1st Annual Symposium of Indian Regional Association for Landscape Ecology (IRALE),  Landscape health and resilience/ 3-5 October 2021, India (Virtual).


 Safaei, M., Bashari,H,  Kleinebecker, T.,  Fakheran, S., Jafari, R., Große-Stoltenberg. A.Mapping ecosystem degradation in Iranian semi-steppe rangelands using remote sensing, 50th Anniversary Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), 30th August – 1st September 2021, Braunschweig, Germany.


Fakheran, S., Conservation Planning in the Face of Climate Change in Rapidly Changing Landscapes (Case Study: Central Iran), 4th International Conference for Women in Science without Borders: Energy, Water, Health, Agriculture and Environment for Sustainable Development,  12-14 February 2020, Brazil.


Malakoutihah, S., Fakheran, S., Hemami, M.R. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for the Protected Areas in central Iran using the Climate Change Velocity Metric, 12-15 September 2017, IALE European Congress, Ghent, Belgium.


Nematollahi, S., Fakheran, S. Ecological Impact Assessment of Roads Network on Natural Habitats of Central Iran using SPROADI Landscape Index, 12-15 September 2017, IALE European Congress, Ghent, Belgium.


Mehdipour, N., Fakheran, S., Soffianian, A.R. Quantifying Habitat Fragmentation Due to Road Networks in and around Protected areas in Western Part of Isfahan Province, Iran. , 12-15 September 2017, IALE European Congress, Ghent, Belgium.


Rezvani, A., Fakheran, S., Soffianian, A.R. Identification of Priority Areas of Connectivity Conservation for Wild Sheep (Ovis orientalis isphahanica) in Central Iran, 12-15 September 2017, IALE European Congress, Ghent, Belgium.


 Fakheran, S., Tondravan, M., Malakoutikhah, S., Senn, J. "Securing Protected Areas in Iran in the Face of Climate and Land use Change".  U.S., Iran, France Conference on Climate Change, October 19-23, 2015, Les Treilles,Tourtour,  Nice, France.


Malakoutikhah, S., Fakheran, S., Soffianian, A., Senn, J. "Wildlife Corridor as Conservation Management Tool to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change (Case Study: Maintaining Habitat Connectivity in Isfahan Province)".  Iran-U.S. symposium on Climate Change: Impacts and Mitigation, March 30 - April 1, 2015, Irvine, California, USA.


Bateni, F., Fakheran , S., Soffianian , A. “Rangeland Degredation and its Impacts on Water Quality in Zayandehroud River Basin”. International Conference on Applied Life Sciences (ICALS2012), September 10-12, 2012. Konya, Turkey. 


Bihamta toosi, N., Fakheran , S., Soffianian , A. “Analysis of Landscape Pattern Changes in Isfahan City during the Last Two Decades”. International Conference on Applied Life Sciences (ICALS2012), September 10-12, 2012. Konya, Turkey. 


 Khalifipour , H., Soffianaian, A., Fakheran , S. “Application of SWOT Analysis in Strategic Environmental Planning: A Case Study of Isfahan/ Iran”. International Conference on Applied Life Sciences (ICALS2012), September 10-12, 2012. Konya, Turkey. 


Madanian , M.,  Soffianian , A., Fakheran, S. “Monitoring Land Use/Cover Changes Using Different ChangeDetection Techniques (case study: Falavarjan area, Isfahan, Iran) ”. International Conference on Applied Life Sciences (ICALS2012), September 10-12, 2012. Konya, Turkey. 


Makky, T., Fakheran, S., Moradi H., Iravani, M. “Landscape-scale impacts of Isfahan’s west freeway on Ghamishloo wildlife refuge, Iran”. The 8th  IALE World Congress, August 18-23, 2011, Beijing China.


Bateni, F., Fakheran, S., Soffianian, A., Mirghaffari, N. “Spatiotemporal changes of Zayandehroud river water quality in response to change in landscape pattern”. The 8th IALE World Congress, August 18-23, 2011, Beijing China.


Shafiezadeh, M., Moradi, H., Fakheran, S. “Impacts of land use and climatic changes on dust emission in south-west of Iran”. The 8th  IALE World Congress, August 18-23, 2011, Beijing China.


Soffianian, A., Afraz, R., Hemami, M.R., Fakheran, S. “Analysis of soil heavy metal pollution and landscape pattern in Nahavand, Iran. The 8th   IALE World Congress, August 18-23, 2011, Beijing China.


Fakheran, S., Moradi, H., Joshi, J., Peintinger, M., Bergamini, A., Schmid B.,“Significant effects of patch geometry and spatial arrangement of wetland ecosystems on plant diversity”. ESA/SER Joint Meeting, August 5-10, 2007, San Jose, California, USA.


Moradi, H., Fakheran, S., Joshi, J., Peintinger, M., Bergamini, A., Schmid, B., “Recent increase in plant species richness in mountainous wetland habitats”. ESA/SER Joint Meeting, August 5-10, 2007, San Jose, California, USA.


Bergamini, A., Peintinger, M., Fakheran, S., Moradi, H., Joshi, J., Schmid, B., “Trends in plant species richness and habitat quality in calcareous fens in the Swiss pre-Alps”. 37th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Marburg, September 10-14, 2007, Germany.


Turnbull, L., Fakheran, S., “Evolution of seed size as a function of fragmentation in an experimental Arabidopsis metapopulation”. Experimental metapopulation in evolutionary biology, December 7-9, 2006, Montpellier, France.


Fakheran, S., Moradi, H., Joshi, J., Peintinger, M., Bergamini, A., Schmid, B. “Effects of landscape patterns on species composition in fragmented wetlands in Switzerland”. 35th Annual Conference of Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland,  September 19-23 ,2005, Regensburg, Germany.


Moradi, H., Fakheran, S., Joshi, J., Peintinger, M., Schmid, B., “Altitudinal shifts in plant species distribution as a consequence of climate change in pre-alpine regions of Switzerland”. Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, September 19-23 2005, Regensburg, Germany.


Fakheran, S., and Karami, M. “A study on the feasibility of establishing a habitat corridor for large herbivores between Mooteh and Ghameshloo Wildlife Refuges, Esfahan Province, Iran”. 2003,  International Conference on Ecorestoration, organized by the NIE jointly with the ICFRE, Dehradun, India. 

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